Happy ‘Doomsday’ readers! If you’re reading this then congratulations, we have survived the supposed end of the world. Glad that’s over with. Especially because I have bridesmaid duties to perform this coming summer for my baby sister-in-law – let the festivities and planning begin!! Let’s also get back to the joys of everything that is Friday, the upcoming greatest holiday of all time (4 more days!!!), and a new December sponsor. Today we have the lovely Rachael from ladylikeness. This Canadian beauty is one thrifty lady who travels around finding great new additions for her Etsy shop. Read on to find out great thrifting tips, the joys of the 90’s and what Canadians really think about the Biebs. ★ Also, January sponsor spots are now available. xo TJ
Happy Friday readers! Less than 2 weeks until Christmas and I could not be more pumped! I asked the mister the other day what present he was most excited to give and he said the new bed we bought for my family dog. I suppose this says a lot about the rest of the presents he got for the family and myself…? Moving right along. Today we have the lovely Kendra from Little Almanac. This hot mama of two and history connoisseur is just too cute for words. Plus, she puts together the greatest little films of her and her family. And if that top picture doesn’t give you the baby cravings I don’t know what will! Make sure to spred the holiday cheer and head to her site after this interview! xo TJ
I’m sorry I am slacking on this site as of late. You could attribute that to the holiday season, cold weather or the food coma hangover from Thanksgiving. I’m sure all three of these are playing a role, but there’s something else that has been weighing heavily on my mind. I sat up late last night in bed having many conversations with the mister. About our future plans, jobs, work out and eating routines, you name it. But the truth of the matter is, I’m sad. I love my life, I really do. I love my husband, I love my family, I love being back in my hometown, and I love this time of year with so many happy, festive movies playing repeatedly on the TV. I’m not sure what it is but lately I have just found myself obsessing over comparing every little bit of my life to those around me. And I can’t help but think that I’m doing everything wrong. I’m working out so hard but see no changes. I see some of my friends with such incredible careers, chasing after their goals and making them happen and I’m just sitting on this couch. I see younger couples than me having babies with no second thoughts. Girls with effortless wardrobes. Elaborate weddings. Crafting skills. Upbeat and constant facebook statutes, tweets, instagram photos, blog posts. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not naive. I know these people have their own worries, concerns and insecurities. Life is constantly changing for everyone and bringing those personal challenges for us to overcome, to be refined and made better and stronger. I guess this is just mine and right now I’m sinking. I feel like I have no direction or motivation. I wish I could magically be skinnier, in shape, a little bit taller. I wish I could just want a baby without thinking of all those scary needles, doctors visits, labor, lack of sleep, not getting to accomplish things that I’ve always wanted to do (but know that most of them won’t really happen…but what if). I wish I could have a whole new wardrobe without dollar bills floating around my head. I wish I could get married every day (to Eric of course) with all of these pretty new dresses coming out and reliving that moment where everything is perfect and all eyes are on you. I wish I could have the desire to make my home a winter wonderland of DIY projects. I wish I could go outside and take pictures of every aspect of my life so I could share my own pictures on this site for once. I wish I could be one of those people who can constantly exude happiness 24/7.
The sin of comparison is so damaging to the spirit. And the worst is I’m doing it to myself. No one is pressuring me to compare, to not be happy for those who are happy. Who knows, maybe I just have to give myself a good cry and will be well. Just getting this out on my online journal here already has me gasping for air above the water, and those first breaths are relieving. I have faith that everything will happen on it’s own time. All the things I truly desire will come right when they need to. For now it’s all about choice, and I choose to be happy – one step at a time.
I don’t know if I mentioned this on my blog or not, but the mister and I are on an exercise/diet for the month of November. Taking time to really focus on your health and happiness is just good for the soul. Especially with this upcoming month to reflect on those things we are grateful for. Today I am grateful for my body. I have put this body of mine through so many things in the past years. Countless sleepless nights, sometimes a lack of balance resulting in some pretty bad falls, broken bones, eating issues. Today I’m listening to my body and taking a break from the blog today to focus on myself and healing. So thank you Albert Einstein for reminding me that we always have time. I have time to answer my emails. I have time to blog. I have time to watch my favorite TV shows. I have time to give hugs&kisses to the mister. I have time to enjoy all of these things, one step at a time.
If you follow along on instagram, then you know the sweet little things I’ve been up to lately. But for those of you who don’t, currently.. I’ve been waking up early to watch the sunrise. Heading to the lake to toss the frisbee around. Enjoying these last few days of sunshine laying out on the grass. Looking up at the cloud filled sky.
WATCHING: I hate to admit it but I’ve been on a re-runs kick of The Hills. I forgot how much I loved LC, the on-off relationship of Audrina and Justin Bobby, and the scary downward spiral of Speidi and their healing crystals. To be honest Speidi really did freak me out. And I feel sad for Heidi and her irreversible surgery. But it’s like that train wreck that you just can’t look away from. PLAYING: I have the new Mumford & Sons album on repeat, of course. DREAMING: Traveling the world has been on my mind a lot lately. And with a possibility of the mister having a 6 month work period abroad next year (getting to take me, YAY!), I can’t help but daydream of where our lives could take us. Paris, Munich, Florence, Dublin. Where would you choose?
EATING: Hard core snacking onTim’s Jalapeno chips. BAD. Even worse because they are my breakfast. Don’t judge. WORKING ON: The baby sister-in-law and I have been busy working on blog designs for some lovely ladies as of late. We’ve had so much fun creating our little Den of Thieves business and helping to create the space that our clients have been envisioning.
Happy Thursday love bugs! As we are getting into the final days of September, I just wanted to take this little time to say thank you to all of my lovely sponsors for the month (which can all be found on the left sidebar). And as we venture into our final guest blogger, I just wanted to send a little reminder that there are a few more medium ads open for HLL October sponsors. Also, today marks the final day to enter this giveaway, so make sure to head over there.
Now back to the good stuff. Today we have the lovely Erica from Sea of Blooming Dreams. I’ve had the privilege to have been blogging buddies with this girl back when I first started HLL last year. This Texas gal is just the sweetest, and has great style along with some rockin’ DIY projects. Make sure to check out her site after this! xo TJ
Today is September 11. And for many this day is always remembered as the day the Twin Towers collapsed. The day the pentagon was attacked. The day brave civilians fought to save the White House. The day America was broken.
September 11 is the day I see America and the world united. It is the day we all cried together, mourned together, and stood up together. Today I am choosing to remember all of the good in the world, and in people. I am saluting America’s men and women in the police force, fire department, military, navy. I am praying for all those who lost a loved one. I am praying for all those who are still affected today because of it’s aftermath and the prejudices that people hold.
Today I’m so excited to announce that we have a rockin’ giveaway from two lovely bloggers that I have both grown to know and love, Tiffany and Alycia. Let me tell you, there is going to be one lucky reader after this. ___________________________________________________ Hey everybody! I’m Tiffany over at House of Tong. I’m a returning college student, editor at Clothed Much, hopeful romantic, and a lover of life. I have adventures of all kinds (does over-eating count?) and I have a serious love / hate relationship with the gym. (what do you mean give me 8 more?!) lol
Well, I’m super stoked to have TJ host my giveaway, being that it’s my birthday month and all. I couldn’t think of a better way then to give something away to her lovely readers!
THE GIVEAWAY A $50.00 E-giftcard to Ruche A $50.00 E-giftcard to Madewell One item of your choice from BayBerry Design One item ($15.00 value) from XOXO Nails
Hello His Little Lady readers! I have been reading TJ’s blog for months now, and am kicking myself for not getting together with her before she left Provo! Maybe I will just have to make a secret trip to Seattle sometimes 🙂 Either way, I am happy to be here on her blog today.
My name is Alycia and I blog over at Crowley Party – a life and style blog where I think life should be a party! I am excited to be offering you all a giveaway today! I decided I needed a new project and started making glammed up friendship bracelets. I look forward to making a bracelet for one lucky reader, and having their blog or shop on my sidebar!
THE GIVEAWAY A bracelet customized just for you A three month large ad space on the Crowley Party site! ___________________________________________________
To be elegible for entry, please be a follower of His Little Lady (if you aren’t already). You must be a follower of House of Tong & Crowley Party. For extra entries, like the Bayberry Design facebook page and the XOXO nails facebook page. And spred the word about this giveaway through facebook, twitter or even your lovely blog by linking up!
Happy Wednesday my dears! Today we have the lovely Crystal from Billie Jean on the blog today. She has got to be the sweetest momma on the block. After having her beautiful daughter, she changed her whole life around. Read more about this newly Baton Rouge beauty, her life changing experiences, and what has got her through it all by checking out her site… after this interview of course! ::winks:: xo TJ