I don’t know if I mentioned this on my blog or not, but the mister and I are on an exercise/diet for the month of November. Taking time to really focus on your health and happiness is just good for the soul. Especially with this upcoming month to reflect on those things we are grateful for. Today I am grateful for my body. I have put this body of mine through so many things in the past years. Countless sleepless nights, sometimes a lack of balance resulting in some pretty bad falls, broken bones, eating issues. Today I’m listening to my body and taking a break from the blog today to focus on myself and healing. So thank you Albert Einstein for reminding me that we always have time. I have time to answer my emails. I have time to blog. I have time to watch my favorite TV shows. I have time to give hugs&kisses to the mister. I have time to enjoy all of these things, one step at a time.